This copyrighted content is delivered by The Trend Curve™, the international authority on trends in color and design for home furnishings.
At The Trend Curve, our consulting clients and Members of our subscriber family are as likely to be greeting-card designers as they are lighting designers. Or maybe they sell those products at retail. That’s why seasonal colors and trends are on our radar as often as those for everyday décor. It’s all about balance.
Some key seasonal gift-and-décor events are dominated by feminine energy. Think Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day. But masculine energy is also important!:
- Father’s Day is the 5th biggest retail spending holiday of the year
- Spending on entertaining for the Super Bowl follows losely
- Back-to-School purchases for both genders comprise the second largest part of seasonal spending
- Birthday and graduation cards are both more likely to be purchased for a male than a female (did you know that in the US, 105 boys born to every 100 girls each year
No wonder we always include themes for guys in our color-and-trend forecasts!
![From Midwest CBK, highlighted in our Fixit Shop trend for 2015](
From Midwest CBK, highlighted in our Fixit Shop trend for 2015
For example, Michelle Lamb created a Fixit Shop trend for Spring Forward™ 2015 color-and-trend forecast. In this theme, cork bowls and pegboard are de rigueur. Work-shirt plaids and beer-logos color everything from seat cushions to gift bags. It's a perfect look for masculine birthdays and more!
Meanwhile, the bravado of barbecuing is captured in our Uptown Grill trend for spring and summer. Sea salt and artisanal pepper are the simple, forthright flavors of this trend, and stainless steel is a prominent color in the form of state-of-the-art outdoor kitchens.It's all about the growing segment of consumers who appreciate alfresco entertaining.
The Trend Curve has always delivered on trend-right (and salable!) seasonal themes for both genders, and we’re getting ready right now do it again for 2016. We'll not only help you balance the energy in your seasonal assortments, but also help you keep those assortments ahead of the curve.
The post Energy Balance appeared first on The Trend Curve™.