This copyrighted content is delivered by The Trend Curve™, the international authority on trends in color and design for home furnishings.
A week or so ago, Tom Mirabile of Springboard Futures and I were interviewed about fourth-quarter seasonal trends. The venue was a webinar hosted by Lenise Willis, Editor in Chief of Gifts & Decorative Accessories magazine.
The timing was perfect. My fourth-quarter seasonal forecast, The Return of Happy Holidays™ had just been released, so seasonal trends were on my mind. I provided a sneak-peak of this color-and-trend forecast, which covers Halloween, Harvest and Christmas for 2020 – 2022. You can still listen to the webinar.
In the last few minutes of the webinar I offered a double-discount price on The Return of Happy Holidays™ to participants. The offer has not yet expired, so be sure to stay tuned until the end if you need trend direction for Halloween/Harvest (6 trends) or Christmas/Winter (8 trends) that includes a palette for each trend.
Although Lenise opened the session to Q&A at the end, there wasn’t enough time to answer everyone. That’s why she sent a few questions the next day for my replies. Those questions were published in Gifts & Dec this week. I’m inviting everyone, whether you listened to the webinar or not, to have a look at these questions and answers about the seasonal business. Enjoy!
To find out more about my forecasts for seasonal and everyday trends, follow @trendcurve on Instagram or Michelle Lamb on LinkedIn.
The post Holiday Trends Q&A appeared first on The Trend Curve™.